Monday, October 22, 2007

Sex and Marriage with Robots? It Could Happen.

When I first read this article that stated, “robots will become so human-like in appearance, function and personality that many people will fall in love with them, have sex with them and even marry them,” I was a little surprised, to say the least. Despite the remarkable technology that is out now, a robot will never be able to satisfy a person in the way another human can. Is it really love if one half is only being programmed to feel it? We wouldn't want our friends or family to be robots, so why would it be different with romantic relationships? We discussed some of the basic needs we satisfy by communicating: the need for pleasure, the need for affection, and the need for inclusion. But interaction with a robot could never satisfy these needs. We need a thinking, communicating person to talk to and love. Once the initial novelty wears off, the robot is no more than metal and wires.
That being said, if in forty years I'm alone and desperate, I may take a different approach.

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