Sunday, November 18, 2007

Airport Taser Death

After reading this article, I was shocked by the actions taken by the police officers that resulted in the death of Robert Dziekanski. Although this article does not explain what happened to make them take such action, I can not imagine a reason strong enough for them to shock him repeatedly with a Taser. If these Tasers can be so potentially harmful, they should be further investigated to decide if this item is actually needed in the police forces. However, although the new video showing footage of the event is a strong piece of evidence, members of the public should refrain from passing judgement and getting too worked up before further investigation is put into the situation. As we learned in Christopher Dornan's Printed Matter, newspapers and the media can very easily write their papers with a certain slant, manipulating the view of the reader. We should be critical of articles like these, and make sure we are informed before we make a final decision.
To read more about this incident, click here:

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