Saturday, November 3, 2007

NBC executive slams Apple for “killing music industry”

My advice to Jeff Zucker ? Stop acting like a whining child because you’re embarrassing yourself and your company. NBC clearly knew what they were signing on to when they registered with Apple’s iTunes, so why is he complaining? The article states that Steve Jobs of Apple “refused to budge on the fixed-pricing model for iTunes shows”, but if NBC was not happy with this pricing they never should have signed on. If they didn’t make as much money as they were hoping it’s no one’s fault but their own. Telling any one company they “killed the music industry” is a vast overstatement, as one company alone will never be capable of doing this. If anything, the huge success of iTunes has only demonstrated our society’s love of music and willingness to pay for it, rather than simply download it. Jeff Zucker is falling prey to the common perceptual tendency of how “we judge ourselves more charitably than we judge others,” which is clearly evident with his warped perception of the situation. We all do it, just most of us don’t get nationally quoted in Variety magazine.

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